Mysterious Explosion at S4 Area 51 comments from Simon Parkes

2016-05-12 20:06


Simon Parkes uppmärksammar i sin maj-intervju med Wolf Spirit Radio en stor explosion på den berömda Area 51 i USA, närmare bestämt en del därav som kallas för S4. Parkes anser att det var en neutronbomb som smällde av i rebelliskt syfte. Area 51 är en stor underjordisk bas på flera etager där hemliga vapen utvecklas och testats.

"UFO watchers have spotted a mysterious mushroom-shaped cloud over Area 51. The cause of the cloud remains unknown, but it is evidently connected to a fire at the secret military base. Viewers were unable to obtain direct footage of whatever caused the inferno, due to the presence of lethally-armed security." rapporterade the Event Chronicle.

Topics from the Simon Parkes Show:

Q and A Simon Parkes May 1, 2016 covers many topics including * Explosion at S4 Area 51 * Silver, Economic Collapse @ 8 minutes * Manufacturing in China * Gold Currency Countries * Banning of Vitamins * Fast Food and Coke * Dimensional Shift * Consultations * Meaning of 114 * Kubrick Movies * MK Ultra * Matrix * Babies in western world psychically scanned * Anu, Archons, Sentient Computer, DNA * Alien Abductions, Believe in Self and Sovereignty * Soul Trap * Only show what is real, nothing fake * Mind Wipe * Soul Family, Star Family Group, Love * Suicide, Murder, Ghosts * Iceland Elven, Unseens, Maintaining harmonic frequency * Shiva, CERN, religions, PayPal Papal * Full Disclosure, Orson wells, Fake alien invasion * DNA rejoin that which was taken from us, unlocking codes (from YouTube)

Underjordisk bas även i Sverige?

Byggs en underjordisk bas under Hallandsåsens tunnel?


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