Israel hjälper migrationstsunamin men tar själv bara sårade ISIS-terrorister

2016-03-15 16:08

Så här skriver New York Times om den israeliska regeringens flyktingpolitik:

"Israel’s policy toward African asylum seekers is to pressure them to self-deport or, as the former interior minister Eli Yishai put it, to “make their lives miserable” until they give up and let the government deport them. About 60,000 African asylum seekers have entered Israel since 2005, most of them Muslims from the Darfur region of Sudan, and Orthodox Christians from Eritrea; today that number is closer to 45,000.

The government and some media call them “infiltrators,” a word that for most Israelis evokes Palestinians illegally crossing into Israel to launch attacks, painting them as a threat. A law passed in 2013 requires male African asylum seekers already in Israel to be detained automatically and indefinitely in the open detention center, Holot, in the Negev desert. Detainees are allowed to wander the desert between three obligatory check-ins every day, and they must also remain in Holot overnight. If they miss a check-in, they can be transferred to the nearby prison. Their only alternative is to accept a sum of $3,500 to return to their country of origin, or a third country, usually Uganda or Rwanda, often without proper documentation to stay.


As the continuing refugee crisis in Europe demonstrates, Israel is not alone in trying to deter refugees. But according to a report in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, it has the distinction of having one of the lowest asylum acceptance rates in the Western world. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once warned that the arrival of African people poses a demographic risk to Israel: “If we don’t stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a Jewish and democratic state.”

NYT borde också ha tillagt, att Israel är huvudansvarig för eländet i länderna runtomkring, som Sudan och Eritrea t.ex.. Israels mål är att splittra alla granländer, även Syrien.
De enda som har en fri tillflyktsort i Israel är sårade ISIS-terrorister, som återställs på israeliska sjukhus på löpande band. Den som känner till att Mossad och CIA har byggt upp ISIS blir knappast förvånad.
Däremot är den israeliska regeringen mycket flitig att hjälpa migranter in i Europa.
ISRAEL21c talks to IsraAID volunteers helping thousands of refugees, often from enemy countries like Syria and Iraq, streaming through Greece and the Serbian borders."
Till det passar Udo Ulfkottes nya alarm, att Mossad har blivit ertappat igen att spionera mot Tysklands förbundskansler Merkel. Förmodligen är Mossad en av motorerna bakom Merkels extremt ansvarslösa flyktingpolitik. Hade hon stängt gränserna som resten av Europa och spridit denna info hemma i Irak, Pakistan etc (de flesta kommer inte ens från Syrien), då hade eländet vid den makedonska gränsen aldrig behövt äga rum.
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