Avhoppad ISIS-terrorist: de rekryterar för Tyskland

2015-12-21 23:54

Den engelska utgåvan från Der Spiegel skrev redan den 16 december 2015 om en avhoppad ISIS terrorist (7 huvuden på sitt samvete), som levde i tyska Bremen där han rekryterades till ISIS. När han hade stuckit därifrån, då han inte tålde våldet längre, öppnade han sitt samvete och berättade om sina terrordåd för en tysk åklagare. Han poängterade att alla ISIS-terrorister med europeisk bakgrund får frågan, om de kan tänka sig att återvända till sina hemländer för att begå terrordåd där. Detta skulle vara en slags rutin bland ISIS.

Åklagaren och Der Spiegel bedömer källan som trovärdig:

"Harry S., after all, is more than just a witness to firing squads and decapitations. He also says that on several occasions, IS members tried to recruit volunteers for terrorist attacks in Germany. In the spring, just after he first arrived in Syria, he says that he and another Islamist from Bremen were asked if they could imagine perpetrating attacks in Germany. Later, when he was staying not far from Raqqa, the self-proclaimed Islamic State capital city, masked men drove up in a jeep. They too asked him if he was interested in bringing the jihad to his homeland. Harry S. says he told them that he wasn't prepared to do so.   ....

Harry S. says that, during his time in the Syrian warzone, he frequently heard people talking about attacks in the West and says that pretty much every European jihadist was approached with the same questions he had been asked. "They want something that happens everywhere at the same time," Harry S. says.   ........

In the summer, Islamic State released a five-and-a-half minute video that was edited in some parts like a horror film. It was the first German-language execution video released by IS and it depicts two men kneeling between antique columns with Mahmoud and another Islamist from Germany standing behind them, weapons in hand. "Merkel, you dirty dog," Mahmoud calls into the camera. "We will take revenge." Then they shoot the prisoners in the head; a jihad hymn plays in the background."

Det samma gäller naturligtvis för Sverige.

Men Sverige sover som ett inavlad marsvin, tills det är för sent.

Daily MailISIS will carry out '9/11 in Europe within two years' and fanatics are recruiting migrants in Libya with the promise of 'white virgins', claims Gaddafi's exiled cousin and former Special Envoy

ISIS fighters shaving beards to sneak into the EU as migrants

Annat om hemliga ISIS arméer i Europa på White TV:

Hemlig ISIS armé insmugglad i Sverige;

Massinvandring triggat med mind control;


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