Tyska Rikskrim hade varnat Paris en dag före den 13 november 2015

2015-11-15 19:26

Att västliga säkerhetstjänster har slagit till igen under falsk flagga blir allt tydligare. Inte bara att deras högsta chefer hade träffats kort före massakern i Paris, som White TV hänvisade till igår, nu kommer tyska uppgifter, att tyska Rikskrim, Bundeskriminalamt i Wiesbaden, alarmerade de  franska myndigheter torsdagen den 12 november 2015, alltså en dag före attentaten, att Paris skulle kunna bli mål för en terrorakt.

Polisen i Rosenheim, Bayern, hade stoppat en VW-Golf på motorvägen Salzburg-München fullt med vapen och resmålet var Paris. Flera kilo TNT sprängmedel, flera pistoler, ammunition och k-pister. Bilen kördes av en 51-årig man från Montenegro.

Men den tyska polisen predikade tydligen för döva franska öron.

RT rapporterar:

'Paris changes everything’: Merkel’s allies call for German refugee policy changes

Following the terror attacks in Paris, the Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Soeder, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s sister party, has called for Germany to change its refugee policy and put an end to the mass influx of asylum seekers.

“The days of uncontrolled immigration and illegal entry can't continue just like that. Paris changes everything,” Soeder said in interview for the Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

“It is unacceptable that we don’t know who arrives in Germany and what these people are doing. We must stop this by all means,” he added.

The minister pointed out that if the EU fails to protect the bloc’s frontiers, Germany will be forced to guard its own borders. He added that when Berlin also fails, Bavaria will have to do it on its own, Soeder warned.

“When the government says ‘we can’t protect our borders alone’, Bavaria will be able to undertake the task,” Soeder said. “We managed to do that in the past.”

The Bavarian finance minister also said that the number of refugees expected to arrive in Germany this year is too high.

"One million is way too much. Conceivable at best, is an orderly immigration of between 200,000 and 300,000 people," he said.     ..........

Soeder’s statements are in line with the position of the CSU leader Horst Seehofer, who has been criticizing the German refugee policy for several months.

After Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, Seehofer called on the federal government to ensure “greater control not just of Europe's borders but also the national borders,” Deutsche Welle reports.

“We need to know who drives through our country,” Seehofer said, adding that he is worried that terrorists are taking the advantage of the refugee crisis to get into Europe.

Other leading German politicians do not share the CSU’s position. German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere as well as Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel warned against anti-migrant sentiments following the Paris attacks.

“Many refugees come from those regions from where terrorism is being exported to us and to the world,” Gabriel reminded."


Om 13 nov attacken i Paris på White TV:

Dags att stänga gränserna helt, kontrollera ALLA, + kalla in militären;

liknande på White TV:

Jean-Marie Le Pen som anklagar CIA och Mossad för Charlie Hebdo morden får sitt hus nedbränt;



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