Change in Israel Will Only Come from Outside Pressure
2015-03-25 21:07
White TV received today this letter with a petition to sign from The Jewish Voice for Peace:
Dear Dr. Henning,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent actions have caused a political earthquake here in the U.S. and I believe that we now have a unique opportunity to change the conversation about Israel in this country.
Netanyahu’s attempt to undermine US diplomacy in a speech to Congress, followed by an electoral victory won through appeals to racism and rejection of Palestinian statehood, may have brought closer in a matter of days what many of us have worked toward for decades —an end to unconditional US support for Israel’s endless occupation and systematic discrimination against Palestinians.
Unless we act now, the window of opportunity may pass. Let’s raise our voices loudly and make visible the massive support for putting pressure on Israel. If we can get 20,000 signers on our Open Letter by the start of Passover, April 3, we will run an ad with the letter in one of the key publications for Congresspeople and staff in Washington DC.
Click here: and sign our Passover Open Letter now. Please share it far and wide--on Facebook and on Twitter, on email lists, and with your community leaders.
The letter says that those of us who want a lasting peace in the region now have a clear choice. We can stand on the side of democracy, equality and freedom, or we can continue to delay justice by offering only words of criticism, rather than concrete actions that could stop Israel’s illegal actions and support Palestinian-led efforts for justice.
And it challenges everyone to take any and all forms of nonviolent action to press Israel to do the right thing— whether it be through lobbying the US Congress; implementing the nonviolent tactics of boycott, divestment and sanctions; advocating for the US to stop using its veto at the UN; or continuing to transform the conversation within the American Jewish community.
We need you to act now to raise your voice and encourage friends, loved ones, and community leaders who may be newly ready to speak up. The time is now.
Click here: and help us secure 20,000 signatures on our Open Letter, in honor of the Passover message of liberation, and share the message far and wide. If we hit our goal, we'll run an ad with the letter in one of the most influential newspapers on the Hill.
We have come so far in such a short period of time— to reach the tipping point, we must be visible.
Cecilie Surasky |