Jihadister, ofta kvinnor, från Väst organiserar sexslavar åt IS

2014-10-06 20:14

White TV fick följande tips:
"2 månader sedan fick jag höra om vajande ISIS flaggor i Rinkeby.
1 månad sedan fick jag höra om deras rekyteringar på Rinkeby torg.
Dessa uppgifter fick jag i andra hand från goda vänner från Rinkeby.

Nu har jag fått fler uppgifter i tredje hand.
Igår fick jag höra att Imamen i Rinkeby har skickat sina 2 döttrar till IS.
Imamen och hans familj får självklart en hel del respekt för detta.
IS betalar ungdomarna och deras familjer i Sverige när ungdomarna åker ner dit. (pengarna kommer från olja sålts i den svarta marknaden)
Många ungdomar flyger fram och tillbaka mellan Sverige och IS.. dessa är rekryterare.. eller så fick de hälsa på familj i Sverige.
Det är endast få av kvinnorna som gifter sig med soldater.. för det mesta blir dessa kvinnor knullkompisar med flertalet soldater så att dessa IS soldater ska bli mer stridsdugliga.. eller så arbetar dessa kvinnor som bordellmammor som ni snart ska mer läsa om. Låter det motstridigt mot Sharia?
Som ni kanske förstår är dessa uppgifter till mig komna i tredje hand från kristna araber och vänliga muslimer."

Teen girls recall horrors of ISIS captivity:

Teenage girls who escaped the brutal clutches of ISIS terrorists have recounted a harrowing nightmare of beatings, torture, rape and degradation that included being forced to watch videos of men being beheaded.

The girls, members of the persecuted Yazidi minority from northern Iraq, say they were captured and sold or given as gifts.   ....

She said they were debased so badly that death, even by suicide, was more appealing than living under ISIS’s barbaric control.

“One girl hanged herself,” the teen said. “Another tried, but the ISIS guards stopped her and beat her very badly. No one else tried after that.”

One of the young victims said she became frail and sick because her guards gave them so little to eat.

The Islamic State is selling captured Yezidi girls for ten dollars.

Kidnapping and enslaving girls as sex slaves is sanctioned by the Qur’an in multiple places — not one of the Muslim groups’ condemnations of the abductions addresses that or explains how it is a misunderstanding of Islam. Neither do their clueless leftist apologists.

This is all according to Islamic law (sharia).

The Islamic State is selling captured Yezidi girls for ten dollars.

Kidnapping and enslaving girls as sex slaves is sanctioned by the Qur’an in multiple places — not one of the Muslim groups’ condemnations of the abductions addresses that or explains how it is a misunderstanding of Islam. Neither do their clueless leftist apologists.

This is all according to Islamic law (sharia).

- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/thousands-non-muslim-sex-slaves-kidnapped-locked-jihadi-brothels.html/#sthash.4Jri8Zkv.dpuf

The Islamic State is selling captured Yezidi girls for ten dollars.

Kidnapping and enslaving girls as sex slaves is sanctioned by the Qur’an in multiple places — not one of the Muslim groups’ condemnations of the abductions addresses that or explains how it is a misunderstanding of Islam. Neither do their clueless leftist apologists.

This is all according to Islamic law (sharia).

- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/thousands-non-muslim-sex-slaves-kidnapped-locked-jihadi-brothels.html/#sthash.4Jri8Zkv.dpuf

Thousands of Iraqi women are being forced into sex slavery in brothels run by a 'police force' of British women jihadis, it has been reported.

As many as 3,000 women and girls have been taken captive from the Yazidi tribe in Iraq as Isis militants continue their reign of terror across the region.

Sources now say that British female jihadis operating a religious police force called the al-Khanssaa brigade, that punishes women for 'un-Islamic' behaviour, have set up brothels to for the use of Isis fighters.

The terrorist group, formally known as ISIS, are killing and enslaving members of Iraq's ancient religious minorities, including Assyrian Christians and the Yazidis.

Last month two UN officials issued a joint statement on the "barbaric acts" of sexual violence committed by ISIS fighters.

"We condemn, in the strongest terms, the explicit targeting of women and children and the barbaric acts the 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant' has perpetrated on minorities in areas under its control, and we remind all armed groups that acts of sexual violence are grave human rights violations that can be considered as war crimes and crimes against humanity," Nickolay Mladenov, special representative of the UN secretary-general for Iraq and Zainab Hawa Bangura, special representative of the secretary-general on sexual violence in conflict, said.

The statement, reported by Newsweek, cited evidence of "savage rapes" being used as weapons of war against women and teenage boys and girls belonging to the Yazidi, Christian, Turkomen and Shabak minority groups in Iraq.

Varför tiger Feminstiskt Initiativ (FI) om allt detta???

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IS kan röra sig fritt i NATO-landet Turkiet Update 22.9.14;

Väst ligger bakom IS och kunde stoppa dem vilken sekund som helst;

EU köper stulen olja från IS svart;

Syrian opposition leader thanks Israel for supporting militants

CIA is training and at once combating ISIL: Former CIA contractor

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ISIS kontrollerat av USA och Israel, precis som Al-Quaida;

USA:s John McCain träffade ISIS ledning som massakrerar Yazidis i Irak;

ISIS spetsade huvuden från syriska soldater på pålar;

USA och Israel har aldrig släppt makten över Irak;

Tack Obama att Ni slår AIPAC på fingrarna med hot om Iran veto;

TACK Obama att Ni trotsade Rothschilds order att attackera Syrien;

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Den andra YouTube filmen nedan är ett bra bevis hur USA ligger bakom IS. Därför åstadkommer deras bombningar ingen större skada hos IS. Koalitionen mot IS är ett stort hyckleri för att stödja IS i smyg och förstöra Syrien och Irak så att de lättare kan ockuperas sedan.

Film från TV 4 kan ses under denna länk.


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