R/S Sentinel med SA Mare Liberum under Margus Kurm avslutade sina Estonia undersökningar igår, hittade nytt hål
2021-10-01 03:43
Press release
30.09.2021 kl. 19:11:
SA Mare Liberum expedition has completed the study of the wreck of Estonia
Today the expedition organized by the SA Mare Liberum completed the underwater and exploration works at the site of the Estonia ferry disaster and began its return journey to the port of Eemshaven.
"The success of each project has to be assessed in the light of the initial goals set. If we look at the goals set for the expedition, in general we have achieved them. The weather and visibility at the wreck site were far from ideal, but almost everything planned was done," said Margus Kurm, the head of SA Mare Liberum and the expedition, thanking the ship's crew and deep-sea experts for their professionalism and dedication.
According to Kurm, the most important thing achieved is that the operator of the underwater robot of the expedition, Linus Andersson, was able to take pictures of almost the entire site of the shipwreck, so that later it will be possible to use photogrammetry technology to model a detailed 3D image. "We were also able to photograph the damage to the bow, stern and starboard side of the vessel at close range," he said.
"The results of the survey of the car deck even slightly exceeded expectations. Despite very poor visibility, the robot entered the car deck to a depth of about 60 meters and established that the two doors leading to the lower decks were intact and closed. The next step will be to systematize the collected material, after which it will be handed over to experts for further study," Kurm explained.
Materials gathered in the course of the investigation project will be analysed by dr. Andrzej Jasionowski, whose Singapore company SophusQuorum Pte. Ltd. specialises in expert examinations of sea accidents. Dr. Jasionowski has already dealt with topics concerning Estonia before – in 2005-2008 he was a member of the scientific consortium SSPA, which conducted a number of different studies regarding Estonia under the order of the Swedish government. Scientific analysis should be ready by next spring.
The vessel RS SENTINEL under the Maltese flag set off on an expedition from the Dutch port of Eemshaven on September 18 and arrived at the wreck of Estonia in the morning of September 22. In total, 43 people participate in the expedition organized by SA Mare Liberum, 18 of whom are members of the ship's crew, and six are media representatives. The rest of the participants are involved in the planning and execution of the underwater work.
The activities and the investigation project of SA Mare Liberum are funded from donations and the sale of media rights. The biggest supporter from Estonia is Postimees Grupp which among others owns such media channels as Postimees, Kanal 2, BNS and Radio Kuku.
SA Mare Liberum is a fund that was founded in July this year upon an initiative of close relatives of survivors. The manager of the fund is Margus Kurm. The members of the council are Piret Kergandberg, Raivo Hellerma and Carl Eric Laantee Reintamm.
Information, pictures, and video gathered in the course of the expedition will be published on SA Mare Liberum website: www.mare-liberum.ee
If you wish to arrange for an interview or have any additional questions, please, write to:
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Undersökningsväg från RS Sentinel den 29.9.21 kl. 11:42
Här ser det ut att de letar efter de dumpade lastbilarna som Harri Ruotsalainen vittnade om i de estniska parlamentet. Det sägs att de inte kunde hitta dem.








Undersökningsväg från RS Sentinel den 24.9.21 kl 18:30 (ovan) + 06:58: