Petition for Law prohibiting electromagnetic and mind control weapons in Europe

2016-04-17 20:51

source;mind control is severe torture, if they let you know that you are targeted

There is no law in the European Union countries prohibiting the use of mind control technologies and/or electromagnetic weapons. This lack of legislation allows continued experimentation with these technologies on civilians, and it is running together with a cover up practiced by authorities to prevent the legal consequences of such breach on human rights and treaties. Russia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Maine, and Missouri have prohibited this weaponry to be used in their territory, but the European Union, after recommending a world guide ban on these weapons in 1999, have not yet implemented a Law banning them, at least, in European Territory. The non-consensual victims of this illegal experimentation need help to try and pressure the implementation of that law and of those organisms technologically prepared to be able to help them. So we ask for support and for anyone reading this to sign this petition addressed to the European Parliament.

The European Mind Control victims association EUCACH has suggested a draft for a news Law to the LIBE-committee from the European Parliament in 2013, but nothing happened. Most of the politicians are under severe mind control. That's why they are allowed to make a career.

Here the link to the petition (737 17th April 2016 23.11)

Law prohibiting electromagnetic and mind control weapons in Europe


Google and Alexa are often doing a severe censorship against White TV and against the topic Mind Control!

Se second minifilm.