France and Belgium denounced for involvement in the 1994 Rwanda genocide
2014-04-06 20:04
Keith Harmon Snow Reveals the Truth About the Rwandan Genocide
— Corbett Report Update Service (@CorbettReport) June 1, 2024
France shuns commemoration ceremony for Rwanda genocide
Press TV reports today: "France says it will not attend the commemoration ceremony of the Rwandan genocide over allegations by Rwanda President Paul Kagame that Paris had a “direct role” in the massacre. ....
In an interview with the weekly Jeune Afrique last month, due to be published later today, Kagame denounced France and Belgium for involvement in the 1994 genocide, when the ethnic majority Hutus killed some 800,000 people, mainly minority Tutsis, during a span of 100 days.
“Both France and Belgium had played a direct role…in the political preparation of genocide and participation in its execution,” Kagame stated.
France, however, has repeatedly denied involvement in the genocide, despite findings by Rwanda’s MUCYO commission of inquiry in 2008, according to which France had trained the militias that carried out killings."
Even the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is accused to be part of the Rwanda genocide:
"According to Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, commander of the UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda, Kofi Annan failed to respond to his many appeals and carries the primary responsibility for UN inaction during the genocide (800,000 dead, mainly Tutsis, but also Hutu opponents) [2].
A similar scenario was repeated in Bosnia, where 400 peacekeepers were taken hostage by Bosnian Serb forces. Kofi Annan remained deaf to the calls of General Bernard Janvier and allowed the perpetration of predictable massacres." informed
Kofi Annan was "Handpicked and trained by the Ford Foundation and the CIA" That's why that puppet made such a career. He is definitely not worthy the Nobel Peace Prize and should give it back in order to improve his horrible karma.
"Frankrike deltog i planeringen av folkmordet i Rwanda 1994 och även i själva dödandet av människor.
Det hävdas i en rapport som Rwandas regering offentliggjorde på tisdagen.
”"Franska styrkor mördade tutsier och hutuer som anklagades för att gömma tutsier. . . Franska styrkor begick våldtäkter mot överlevande tutsier"”, heter det i ett uttalande från regeringen.
I den 500 sidor långa rapporten namnges franska politiker och militärer som Rwanda anser bör ställas till svars för brotten. Bland dem finns förre presidenten Francois Mitterrand och förre premiärministern Dominique de Villepin." meddelade TT/AB den 5 augusti 2008.
"Rwanda har tidigare anklagat Frankrike för inblandning i folkmordet, något Frankrike bestämt avvisar.
I folkmordet dödades omkring 800 000 människor, främst tutsier, på några månader.
Kommissionens har haft mandat att granska anklagelser om att Frankrike utbildade och beväpnade de styrkor som var ansvariga för massakrerna för att sedan hjälpa dem att fly.
Franska soldater skickades under folkmordets sista veckor med FN-mandat till Rwanda i syfte att säkra områden för civila på flykt undan massakrerna."