USA:s Holocaust på Nordkorea 1951, hundratusentals barn och civila brändes levande
2017-10-15 20:43
källa: US-president Trumans Nordkoreanska civila napalmoffer
USA har världsrekord på att mörda oskyldiga civila efter WWII. Ondskans supermakt mördade mer än 20 miljoner oskyldiga människor i 37 nationer, som stod i vägen för amerikansk världsherravälde. Nordkorea förlorade 30% av sin befolkning genom amerikanska bomber under Koreakriget 1950 - 1953. Varje familj i Nordkorea beklagar massmord av nära och kära.
"The criminal bombings of Pyongyang in 1951 ordered by president Truman, were opposed by General Douglas MacArthur who was commander of allied forces in Korea:
“A defiant Douglas MacArthur appeared before Congress and spoke of human suffering so horrifying that his parting glimpse of it caused him to vomit.
“I have never seen such devastation,” the general told members of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees. At that time, in May 1951, the Korean War was less than a year old. Casualties, he estimated, were already north of 1 million.
“I have seen, I guess, as much blood and disaster as any living man,” he added, “and it just curdled my stomach.” (quoted by the Washington Post, August 10, 2017)"
skriver kanadensiska Global Research idag.
Det fanns inga militära mål i huvudstaden Pyongyang. Precis som under bombningen av Dresden, som inte heller hade militära mål, skickades brandbomber i flera vågor så att civilbefolkningen inte hade en chans att komma undan det värsta sättet att då på, att bli bränd levande. USA gjorde det med fullt uppsåt!
“The US airforce destroyed every town and village in north Korea”. “The destruction was enormous”.
In the words of Air Force General Curtis LeMay:
“We burned down every town in North Korea …. over a period of three years or so we killed – what – 20 percent of the population”.
And this including the very worst of it large scale use of napalm. To quote Senator John Glenn, then a major in the US air force before becoming an astronaut:
“We did a lot of napalm work dropping fuel tanks loaded with napalm, flying in low, called a Nape Scrape”.
Napalm, jellied petroleum and phosphorus. No-one likes to spell it out but people quite simply burn to death." ....
"That is well over a million concussion bombs, along with 40 million gallons of high octane napalm. And to add to this, in the final stages of the war, mass bombing (1,514 sorties) of Sui-ho hydro-electric and irrigation dams (the world’s fourth largest) on the Yalu River then flooding and destroying huge areas of northern farmland and crops."
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