Bränderna i Kalifornien var konstgjorda med hemliga energivapen, skalärvågor eller bara laser?
2017-10-27 20:05
Jag ville först inte tro på de tips White TV fick, att de intensiva bränderna i Kalifornien i början av oktober 2017 skulle vara anlagda med hemliga vapen. Det var ju torka i åratal där nere och då brinner det lätt. Men nu strömmar det in mer och mer bevis att så var fallet. Titta bara på denna bild:
Alla träd har inte brunnit men byggnaderna är helt förstörda, och, OBS! macken har inte tagit eld!!!
Got you!
Jim Stone har i samarbete med Henry Makow också gått ut med alarmerande text och bilder:
"1. Some people got heart palpitations from having their bodies charged.
2. MANY MANY people saw electrical flashes that made no thunder in the perfectly clear blue sky, and worse, some people even saw small blue sparks everywhere in the air around them.
3. MOST DAMNING: People are reporting that their electronics malfunctioned before the fires hit, with the most pronounced and spoken about malfunction being at a hotel (The Silverado resort and spa), where ALL of the electrical systems in the hotel malfunctioned, including the electronic access doors, forcing people to jump from windows (because they could not leave their rooms) to escape an approaching fire that instantly appeared out of nowhere in perfect weather.
It is very important to make note of the malfunctioning doors, because a simple power outage will not stop those from working. Something jammed the circuits in the doors. Simultaneously the hotel lost main power, generator backup, UPS backup, and local battery backup. Not even the always operational emergency hall lights worked. That would be totally consistent with a massively potent EM weapon causing complete electronic malfunction because not even the circuits in the emergency backup lighting that turn it on (which operate independently of everything off of a small battery right in the light itself), not even circuits at that small level worked."
Hur kan det vara att alla hus brunnit upp men inte träden??? Jo, om du använder hemliga skalärvapen då skyddar skalärvågorna från trädens aurafält, så att de brinner svårare. Helt enkelt interferens av skalärvågor.
Titta på dessa bilder där träd enbart brinner på insidan: